In memory of my brother

John Blouet-Smith

John spent a great deal of time and money over a period of many years in a dedicated pursuit of researching the origins of our family based around our father Gaston Robert Blouet.

He used various software applications to store the data but could never find a decent program to display the family tree in diagramatical form in such a way that was easy to follow. He often asked me of a way to do this and I usually gave him things to try. I believe he was hinting, knowing that I was involved in IT, for me to do something to help him. Whilst he was alive I regretably never got around to doing anything.

After his unexpected death and I finally fully retired, I decided I would give it a go, quickly to find out that it is not the easiest thing to achieve.

This site represents my pathetic efforts so far. Constructive suggestions for improvements would always be welcome.

There are many youngsters in the family that may be able to take advantage of this in future school projects. Please feel free to do so.

Blouet Family Tree

Tips & Tricks

  • Family Tree best viewed on full screen otherwise scrolling will be necessary.
  • Although it probably works on a smart phone it is not advised.
  • Hover over person to highlight all descendants.
  • Click on person to show details pop-up.
  • Remove detail pop-up box by clicking anywhere outside it.
  • For obvious security reasons, access to the raw data maintenance facility cannot be allowed.
  • Please email me with any gaps that you find. Missing children, dates of birth etc..
Tips & Tricks
Blouet Family Tree
Maintain Names

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